> 招聘公告 > 招聘公告详细
2022年11月03日 12:00 浏览:136 次

用人单位名称: 浙江晶盛机电股份有限公司 用人单位性质: 其他企业(民营企业)
用人单位主页: http://www.jsjd.cc 用人单位行业: 制造业
岗位大类: 机械类
工作地点: 浙江省-所有市,浙江省-杭州市
招聘开始时间: 2022-11-03 10:45 简历接收截止: 2022-12-31 23:30


1)College or preferably technical university degree in mechanical automation, mechatronics, electrical automation major;机械自动化、机电一体化、电气自动化专业大专或以上学历

2)Preferably knowledge in PLC, HMI, electro-pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical wiring;熟悉PLC, HMI,电控,液压,电气布线;

3)  Team oriented and excellent inter-personal and communication skills both written and verbal.具有良好的团队合作精神和良好的人际沟通能力(书面和口头)。

4) Participated in small  and middle-sized project management experience priority.参与中小型项目管理经验优先;


1) Be able to complete the Move in, installation, commissioning, repair and maintenance of the company's equipment under the guidance of SOP and installation video;能够在SOP和安装视频的指导下完成公司设备的搬进、安装、调试、维修和维护;

2) Commissioning in strict accordance with the requirements of the commissioning manual, and keep relevant data files;严格按照调试手册的要求进行调试,并保存相关数据文件;

3) Establish complete equipment debugging and maintenance file records on PM system;在PM系统上建立完整的设备调试维护档案记录;

4) Handle faults found in the debugging process in a timely manner, and report to the supervisor in time for problems that cannot be handled;及时处理调试过程中发现的故障,对无法处理的问题及时向主管汇报;

5)  Feedback to the supervisor in time if product quality problems are found during the commissioning process; Perform investigation to prevent re-occurrence of machine failure and quality defects. 调试过程中发现产品质量问题,及时向主管反馈;进行调查,防止机器故障和质量缺陷的再次发生。                                                                                                        6) Get to know the product manufacturing process in detail to be able to identify when the process is deviating from the norm and take action to correct it or to escalate it to the supervisor. 详细了解产品生产过程,能够识别出生产过程是否偏离规范,并采取措施进行纠正或向主管汇报。                                                                                                                        7) Quick and effective diagnosis and troubleshooting of routine or minor problems.对日常或次要问题进行快速有效的诊断和排除。                                                                              

8) Training other employees/operators as well as updating training manuals when necessary.培训其他员工/操作员,必要时更新培训手册。

截止时间:2022-12-31 23:30